i handled a webinar session on Azure IoTHub from Azure vidyapeeth webinar
series. I showed a live demo with Raspberry Pi 2 connected with TI’s Bluetooth
LE Sensor tag which has a set of sensors such as IR Temperature, pressure,
Accelerometer, Gyrometer, Magetometer ,etc.. and a servo meter is connected in
GPIO pins of RPi 2 simulated as a cooler system. This can be controlled
remotely from a PC application through IoThub based on the temperature
readings. Followed by a video demo for
IoTHub with a different use case using e-con systems Ankaa (An Azure IoT
certified reference gateway device).
I have shared the slides and source code in the below links.
Sensor to Cloud using Azure IotHub - Azure Vidyapeeth webinar series
Source code:
I have shared the slides and source code in the below links.
Sensor to Cloud using Azure IotHub - Azure Vidyapeeth webinar series
Source code: